Meet the Team

Fam at Salmon Creek

DaddyCoach Scotty: He’s crazy fun. He always has a song stuck in his head. He enjoys playing with his kids and being with me (awww!).  He is a child of God, a humble servant and a trustworthy leader full of integrity. He plays the guitar and the drums and sings hymns with the kids every night before they go to bed. He will never, ever turn down an offer of ice cream.

MommyAssistant Coach Michelle: I am a child of the King of the universe and He calls me friend. I am awed by this precious gift of grace. I love to plan (school and vacations especially), make lists, and scrapbook. I love to talk- especially about homeschooling, theology, and my family- and I can get pretty passionate about my interests and beliefs.  I enjoy fellowshipping with other moms- they encourage me. My hubby is my very best friend in the world. My spirit is refreshed in nature, especially at the ocean, in the forest or by a stream. The laughter of my children is the sweetest sound I hear.

"I've got a good idea."

“I’ve got a good idea.”

Leadoff hitter: X-man’s an energetic, resourceful, creative, determined problem solver. He is a serious thinker and is pretty observant for a 6 year old.  His favorite school subject is math.  He loves to complete and draw mazes.  And you should see those mazes- he really thinks outside the box with his maze adventures he creates for us.  He loves to play video games with his dad (his current favorite is Super Mario Galaxy).  He really enjoys being with his siblings and friends. He likes to be in charge. The highest compliment he can give or receive is “That is funny!” I am so thankful for his gorgeous coppery hair!  He is in First Grade this year.

Jedi Beach Princess - CopySecond to the bat:   Princess K is our sweet 5 year old. She enjoys helping, cooking, and playing pretend. She loves kitties, the color pink (though she has decided that yellow is her current favorite), and her brothers. She gets very excited about everything and she is quite dramatic. She is both quite shy and quite chatty.  She has the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen!  This year, she wants to learn to read, learn to draw, and learn to bake cupcakes.  She will be in Kindergarten this year.

"I'm hungry, Mommy.  Mommy, I'm hungry."

“I’m hungry, Mommy. Mommy, I’m hungry.”

Third up: Z-urchin, our rambunctious, mischievous preschooler.  He  loves to eat, climb, and play.  He likes Rescue Bots, Cars, and playing with trains and his siblings.  He is persistent and clever and incredibly charming.  His dimpled grin is breathtaking.  He’ll be 3 this year.



Cleanup hitter:  Shortstop, our newly walking 1 year old.  He is affectionate and sweet.  He is picking up Toddler Tornado tips from his older brother.  He loves to hang out with his big brothers and sister.  He loves to eat and doesn’t like teething much.  His siblings think he is adorable.  Everyone loves to play with Shortstop!


4 thoughts on “Meet the Team

  1. Hi, MICHELLE!

    Saw your article in Outdoor Hour Challenge! So excited to see your blog! I’ll be following!! Miss you guys!

    Julee Wilson from Grace Church in Napa

  2. I just started homeschooling, found your blog, was encouraged and decided to follow you! lol! Thanks for your ideas already! We’re homeschooling with a Charlotte Mason philosophy. I have three boys ages 6, almost 4 and 6 months, and truly never thought I’d be homeschooling, but 1 month into first grade, we decided it was the thing for us! So thanks for taking the time to share your ideas, thoughts and adventures. They are an encouragement to me!

    • Thank you for your words! I am encouraged and blessed by them! And welcome to this fun adventure of homeschooling. We are just a month into first grade/kindergarten and we are really enjoying it. Not that there are not moments already that I have thought- forget this! I’m putting them in school so I can have some time around here! But in the end, I can’t do that (at least not yet- I won’t make any promises, we’ll just take this one year at a time!)… truly the time I have with my kids is a blessing. Seeing them play together, experiencing the joys of the Aha! moments, and the second education I am getting make the hard work worth it. I hope you are equally blessed by your adventures in homeschooling.

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