Archive | April 2015

Homeschooling is Awesome

Because you can totally declare your oldest son’s birthday as a holiday.

8 Years Old

X-man turned 8 and we declared a day off of our regular school schedule.  We celebrated and made fun memories instead.  He went out to breakfast with his dad.

Fierce 8 Year Old

Then we went, at his request, to our local Children’s Discovery Museum.  The kids played with the water tables, caught and released (plastic) fish in the creek, had snack under a tree, painted and built structures.  And did a lot of exploring and wandering.  It was a nice morning and then we left just as it was getting hot.

X's Birthday

X's Birthday2

Xander's Birthday1

Xander's Birthday3Art Room

Xander's Birthday4

With all of these awesome activities, I’m totally counting this as a field trip.

Then we went to Grandma’s house for a lunch birthday party.  Daddy came too!

X's Birthday6



8 Candles on his Cupcakes

And because it is what you do on your birthday (or on your brother’s birthday), they all made sure they exited the vehicle via the window.

X's Birthday5

Happy X-man Day!

Me & my oldest baby 8 years from the minute he was born

Me & my oldest baby 8 years from the minute he was born

Getting Started with Narration

Narrating is an art, like poetry-making or painting, because it is there, in every child’s mind, waiting to be discovered…

Charlotte Mason,  Original Homeschooling Series Volume 1


Along with short lessons, living books, habit training, narration will be included in any list of Charlotte Mason method basics.  Before I started homeschooling, when I was researching curriculum, methods, ideas, and styles, I was drawn by the description of homeschools that followed Charlotte Mason’s principles.  The more I read of her methods, the more convinced I became that this style would be the best fit for our home.

As school began, however, I discovered that I did not really know how to get the kids started doing narrations.  I hadn’t done this as a kid.  How could I get them to do more than shrug and mumble, “I don’t know,” when I asked them to tell me what they read?  So I went back to Miss Mason’s Volume 1 and looked for some instruction, scoured the internet for insight and then just tried some things.

So here are a few tips on getting started with narration for younger elementary aged kids.

1.  Narration is something children do naturally.  They are absolutely bursting to tell you all about what they are interested in.  Notice and appreciate the raw material you already have to work with.  So start when they are young at the dinner table or at bedtime.  Ask them to tell you about their day.  A few questions can help: “What was your favorite thing we did today?”  “Where did we go today?”  “Who did we see today?”

2.  Don’t require narration until the children are 6.  Let them narrate what they are excited about and don’t push them if they are not interested.  This was extremely helpful for me when my kids were in Kindergarten.  We read plenty of great books, and sometimes they were totally excited to tell me what they read.  Other times they were not interested and at that age, I didn’t worry about it.  I let narration just be a choice and thus, a joy.

3.  Begin by modeling it.  During that Kindergarten year, if they were not interested in narrating to me, I would narrate the story back to them.  This gives them an idea of what narration should be.  I would give a brief summary of the story with a few choice details that particularly interested me.

4.  Start small.  When I started reading chapter books to the kids, they were lost when I asked them to narrate back the entire chapter.  So I realized I needed to pause more often in the chapter to let them narrate.  Miss Mason herself, when describing how to begin in narration says, “read two or three pages, enough to include an episode; after that… call upon the children to narrate.”  So for a few months, I paused several times in the chapter to elicit a brief narration.  This helped the children’s memory, comprehension, and narration skills.  Now that we have been doing this for awhile, they can listen for longer periods and still give quality narrations.



Princess K’s Comic Book

5.  Introduce the Lesson.  When I was in college as an Education Major, I took several classes that taught me how to prepare a lesson.  Always at the beginning of the lesson was to be an introduction, where you give the students an idea of what the goal of the lesson is (what will be learned), why it is important, how it relates to what they have learned before, and a hook that will capture their interest.

Charlotte Mason agrees with this idea of the lesson introduction.  She says, “Before the reading for the day begins, the teacher should talk a little (and get the children to talk) about the last lesson, with a few words about what is to be read, in order that the children may be animated by expectation…”

So whether it is Bible, history, science, or literature, I ask my children what they remember from the previous reading (and then add in any information that was left out that would be relevant), and give a little hook about what is to come.  Often in Bible and sometimes in history, I will give them something specific to look out for: “Listen for a man who is given a second chance,” or “Pay attention to why this king was such a terrible king.”  In science, I often read the section title and thus give the kids a little taste of what’s to come: “We are going to read about how birds find their way home today!” or “We are going to learn about how seeds scatter and spread so they can grow.”  Often in literature, after we talk about what has gone on before, I will read the next chapter title and ask them to predict what will happen next.  Students are often very interested in paying close attention to see if their predictions were right.

8 April 20156

Thank you !

 6.  Try Notebooking.  One of the best tools I found in encouraging good narrations from my children was notebooking.  I found, used the free pages for awhile, liked it so much that I became a lifetime member.  Basically, these notebooking pages are pages with cool (and often thematic) borders and illustrations filled with lines and empty boxes for the students to draw their own illustrations from their lessons and write down what they have learned.

The notebooking pages have been a huge asset in our homeschool and for narration.  They draw as I read the lesson to them.  These drawings help them retain what they are hearing.  Then they narrate orally to me, often using their illustration as a starting point, and I write what they say on the lines.  This gives us a record of what we’ve read, and they thoroughly enjoy selecting a scene from the reading to illustrate.  It also helps keep my active young elementary students engaged in the lesson- it gives their hands something to do.

It was very important to the success of narration in our homeschool that I did not require my children to write their own words on the blank lines.  If I had done that, I would have had very short narrations indeed.  Their ability to narrate a story far exceeded their ability to form letters and words on paper.  I am very glad I encouraged oral composition without requiring written composition, for now I have kids who are incredibly eager to tell and write stories.  And I have students who are pretty good at telling back what they’ve heard using some of the same words and language of the author.



X-man’s Comic Book

7.  Be Creative.  Other ideas for narration in the younger elementary years include acting the story out, or using flannelgraph, puppets, or action figures to retell the story.  Currently, we are reading Tales of the Odyssey by Mary Pope Osborne.  I have given them a few sheets of heavy paper divided into 6 boxes.  In each box, they illustrate one scene from the chapter I am reading.  Then they give me a relatively brief summary of what they illustrated or heard and in the end, we will have a comic book of their own creation.  X-man and Princess K are very excited about their comic books and have me read all that they have written so far each day.  This works well as an introductory review and they are so very motivated.  There are tons of other ideas for creative narrations: making movies, creating art, recording a radio show, use clay, blocks or legos, draw a diagram, make a map.


Acting out their Bible Story

The Handicraft that Got My Kids Excited about Books

HandicraftEver since I saw an idea like this for rain gutter bookshelves, I’ve wanted them.  I thought it would be awesome to have each child have their own little bookshelf space for their favorite books.  We have plenty of bookshelves around the house, but it is dificult to see all the books that are there.  So I thought having a little shelf of their own, to put the books they got for Christmas or their birthdays, in a place that was easy to reach and easy to see might encourage my kids to enjoy books more.

I mean, they love books.  They love it when I read them stories.  But I would like to encourage some independent reading and some independent book perusing (for the non-readers in the home).

However, I will just admit to you that the DIY Pinterest Project Magic does not reside in me.  For both my husband and I, our talents lie elsewhere, far outside the region of handiness or craftiness in home projects.  So I knew better than to really make any effort toward the rain gutter bookshelf idea.

Along those lines, I am not a particularly crafty person (I love scrapbooking, but that’s about it).  So although, as a Charlotte-Mason-style-of-homeschooling fan, I think Handicrafts are a good idea, I’m not all that great at doing handicrafts with my kids.  (I found this blog post recently and am newly inspired in this area, though!)

Anyway, the other day, I was at my friend’s house.  She had these little Ikea wall shelves– spice racks, as they are called on Ikea’s website.  She had them all over her home, several of them holding books.  These are just what I was looking for!  They are the perfect size for each child to have their own personal bookshelf. So I went home and ordered ten of them.  One for each child, and several for our living room and school room.

Two days ago, they arrived.  They came in little packages of 11 pieces: a base shelf, a stick, two side pieces, four screws, two wooden pegs, and an allen wrench.  In my excitement, I looked at the instructions and immediately put one together.  What?  A DIY project even I could do!  And if I could do it, my kids could do it.  Handicrafts are supposed to be useful and add beauty to our lives.  And learning to put together a shelf from a kit with instructions is totally a useful life skill.  Time for a Spontaneous Handicraft Class! 8 April 20151 I called all the kids- from my almost 8 year old down to the 2 year old- to gather in the living room.  I gave a package to each kid and took one for myself.  I demonstrated how to put together the shelf as they watched and then I helped the 2 year old assemble his (though I was pretty impressed with how far he could get on his own) as the 4 year old, 6 year old, and almost 8 year old got to work.

They assembled these shelves with great ease and enthusiasm and then were so excited that they had made a shelf of their very own.  They proceeded to go to the bookshelf and rifle through the books to find their favorites to put on their very own bookshelf.  The next hour they spent looking through books!  Success! X-man's Shelf

My Three Step Process for Tackling the Tough Stuff

Messy Room

I hate cleaning my house.  I wish I could have Mary Poppins’ snap cleaning powers.  That would be awesome.

I know there are plenty of people out there who enjoy cleaning.  Or who find the result of a clean house so motivating that they are willing to put forth the energy frequently enough to keep up with the housekeeping.

I am not one of those people.

I do have a level of cleanliness need- I absolutely hate crumbs under the table.  That is sufficiently motivating for me to sweep once, maybe twice a week.

Another highly motivating strategy is to invite someone over.  I definitely find myself in panic mode the night before company is due.  I’ll whip this house in shape then.  But other than that, I have a hard time getting up the energy and motivation to clean, de-clutter, pick up, and do all those household things I really should do.  I’d rather plan out my scope and sequence for my children’s schooling for the next 12 years.  Again.

Part of the problem is that three years ago, I birthed child number 4 and then I moved that summer and every summer since.  Around that same time, I began this homeschooling journey as my oldest entered Kindergarten.  Trying to clean and go through things to get rid of excess stuff when under time constraints with moving (while trying to manage four children and trying to stop them unpacking every box you pack and writing on every surface with the black permanent markers), and with homeschooling, and settling into to a new church and a new area is extremely challenging!

Another part of the problem is me.  I get overwhelmed by the mess and the clutter and then I berate myself and hate myself for my laziness and absolute failure to keep things tidy.  Not all that surprisingly, this does not lead to a more joyful, hard-working approach to my household tasks.  It ends up being a self-fulfilling prophecy.  When I tell myself I’m lazy and a failure, that is just what I become.  I know I need to have grace for myself (“Cleaning the house while the kids are growing is like shoveling snow while it’s snowing,” after all), but I also know I need to be faithful and hard-working in my God-given tasks.

In my ponderings on how to solve this motivation problem, I’ve been thinking about something Charlotte Mason quoted in her Original Homeschooling Series (Volume 2), “Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.”

It starts with sowing a thought.  That’s all I can handle right now.

So here is my three step process to sow a thought (well, three thoughts I guess) to motivate myself to tackle my housekeeping.

#1:  “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”  Romans 8:1  I quote that to myself first, to remind myself that I do not do dishes to save myself.  God does not condemn me for my laziness or discouragement.  There is no condemnation.  I am free.

#2:  “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  Philippians 4:13    I admit to myself that I cannot do this.  I cannot face my dishes, my sweeping, the toys and the clutter.  But Christ, who lives in me, can.

#3:  “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,  knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.”  

With these thoughts ringing through my mind, I find the strength to get up and get to work.