Archive | May 2012

Toddler Book Basket

Our basket of well-loved toddler books

I love books.  And I especially love children’s books.  My mom read to us a whole lot when we were kids.  So now I have the joy of reading to my kids!  I keep my very favorite books for my 18 month old in a basket on the table by our couch, so I can reach for one whenever he needs to snuggle and read a book with mommy.  Usually my older kids join us on the couch as they love all of these books too.  They cannot yet read, but sometimes, they will ‘read’ these books to their younger brother using their memories and the pictures.  It warms my heart to hear this!  My favorite books this month:

1.  Caps For Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina

2.  I Love You Stinky Face by Lisa McCourt

3.  Barnyard Dance by Sandra Boynton

4.  Moo Baa La La La by Sandra Boynton

5.  The Itsy Bitsy Spider told and illustrated by Iza Trapani (we sing this whole book- with all the extra verses!)

6.  My Daddy and I by P.K. Hallinan (usually I save this book to be ready by Daddy)

7.  A is for Alligator by Kim Mitzo Thompson and Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand (this book comes with a CD that the kids absolutely love- we’ve read this book so often that the cover has completely torn off and needs some surgical packing tape!)

8.  My First Counting Book– A Golden Book by Lilian Moore (my mother read this to me when I was little- I remember the beautiful illustrations!)

9.  The Fuzzy Duckling– A Golden Book by Jane Werner Watson (another book from my childhood)

Snuggle Time with my toddler!

My youngest two- buddies already!

Field Trip to the Police Department

A few weeks ago, we went on a field trip with our homeschool group to our local police department.  The kids were fascinated by the motorcycles (they had seat and hand warmers, a special slot for their speeding laser gun, bright flashing lights, and cool helmets!) and by the dogs of the K9 unit.  The dogs were beautiful and it was fun to see the police car door pop open when the officer pushed a button!  We also got to see the prisoner transport vehicle and an incredibly cool armored vehicle.  Lastly, all the kids piled into the flashy, pretty, brightly colored DARE car.  After we saw everything, the kids received pencils, police officer baseball cards, stickers, and a coloring book.  It was a very cool experience and my husband was incredibly jealous of the armored vehicle part of our field trip!  Maybe next time I should inform him when we are going to an awesome field trip location!

Looking through the laser speed gun!

Looking so cool up there on the motorcycle!

K got a turn to try out the motorcycle as well!

Z was fascinated and probably wanted a turn on the motorcycle as well

One of the dogs of the K9 unit

K got to pet him too

What a gorgeous dog!

That evening, my husband asked them about their day and they were so excited to tell daddy all about their adventures.  X-man declared, “I will be a policeman when I grow up!”  Clearly, a successful field trip!