Pumpkin Patch Fieldtrip

6 Pumpkins

Last weekend, the family went to the local corn maze and pumpkin patch for a day of family fun.  We brought a picnic lunch and enjoyed the warm, sunny autumn day.  Daddy and the kids loved climbing the huge hay stack and Z- urchin made an equestrian friend.

Climbing the Hay

Climbing the Hay


An Equestrian Friend

An Equestrian Friend

After lunch, we headed over to the Amazing Corn Maze.  Daddy refused to pay the extra dollar for the map of the corn maze and though that seems like a set-up for a horror tale, as it turns out, we did very well without it.  He had a rule: choose one direction and always turn that direction.  So that’s what we did.  The older two kids led the way and they did well always choosing the left path any time there was a choice to be made.  I believe that they used their hand stamp to help remind them which direction to turn- Princess always turned in the direction of her hand stamp, X-man always the other direction than his hand stamp.

In the Corn Maze

In the Corn Maze

There were two look out stations in the middle of the maze and it was fun to see how far we had walked.  And then we also saw how far there was to go.  It sure looked like a large field of corn.

Look out point

Look out point

Eventually, Z-urchin got quite tired and so got himself a shoulder ride thus tiring out his parents.  Just when I thought I could not carry him any farther, we turned a corner and we were out!  It took us 45 minutes.  We were so proud.

Got a bit tired

Got a bit tired

We decided to head over to the pumpkin patch area and got sidetracked by an awesome activity.  A huge sandbox like contraption full of dried corn kernels.  The kids had a blast.

5 Corn Kernel Sandbox

Finally, we made it to the pumpkins.  X-man really wanted to take home the biggest pumpkin he could find.  I have to admire his tenacity: he rolled that thing very far to attempt to convince us.   I had brought the magnifying glasses and X-man and Princess K enjoyed peering closely at the pumpkins, their stems and leaves.  Princess K noticed that when close-up, the pumpkins are yellow with orange lines running through them.  In the end, we selected three medium sized pumpkins and X-man helped carry them over to the stall to pay for them.

Z-urchin watching X-man roll his pumpkin to the family

Z-urchin watching X-man roll his pumpkin to the family

Taking a closer look

Taking a closer look

Carrying the pumpkins

Carrying the pumpkins

When we were in line, we got a wheelbarrow to put the pumpkins- and our littlest pumpkin- in and I was reminded of last year when we came here.  I took a picture of Shortstop in a wheelbarrow.  I’m feeling a little sentimental about these two pictures side-by-side.  How he’s grown!

Shortstop in a wheelbarrow: last year and this year

Shortstop in a wheelbarrow: last year and last week

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